Treboom Brewery Beer Range

Beer Packaging Design

The bottle labels for Treboom Brewery's beer range tell a story in a simplified and entertaining way, drawing inspiration from totem poles and incorporating bespoke illustrations. Each label has a central focal point and a repeat pattern that adds depth to the design. The labels not only bring the personality of each ale to life but also create a distinct look and feel for the entire range. Additionally, the designs allow for the extension of the collection to include special edition ales, such as the 'Maillot Blanc'.

The Treboom Brewery needed bottle labels that could withstand a range of wet, cold, and hot conditions as they transitioned from producing cask ales to bottling. Paper labels were not an option, so plastic was used instead. United by Design, the creative team behind the project, worked on a range of labels that used varnishes and print techniques to simulate the texture of a paper label. The use of matt and reticulated varnishes on top of the three-color spot Pantone colors created texture and vibrancy on the shelf and in the consumer's hand.

The labels are made using a glass bottle with two printed PET plastic labels. The labels feature three spot Pantone colors and are finished with a matt varnish on black and a reticulated varnish on the main label color.

The core range of beers is packaged in 500ml bottles, while the special edition beer, 'Maillot Blanc,' comes in a 750ml bottle.

United by Design, led by Creative Director Owen Turner and Designer & Illustrator Ross Brotherston, worked on this project. They aimed to create a label design that would connect with the brewery's brand identity and appeal to both current and new consumers. The challenge was to differentiate the brewery in a crowded market while evoking the qualities of a paper label using plastic.

The bottle labels not only serve as a means of identification but also provide a memorable and engaging experience for the consumer. The use of textured varnishes on the label material emulates the feel of paper, adding to the overall appeal of the design.

The project started on April 1st, 2013, and the launch took place on September 19th, 2013. The design process continues to evolve as the brewery expands its range of beers.

The design research for this project involved a close examination of current and historical beer packaging, as well as an analysis of storytelling techniques and tribal influences. The team also drew inspiration from interior design, wallpaper, and printmaking patterns, as well as graphic styles from the 1930s and 1950s.

The Treboom Brewery Beer Range labels, created by United by Design, have received recognition for their outstanding design. They were awarded the Bronze A' Design Award in 2015, which celebrates designs that demonstrate creativity, resourcefulness, and technical skill. These labels contribute to the improvement of the consumer experience and make a positive impact in the world of beer packaging design.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: United by Design
Image Credits: ALL: United by Design 2014
Project Team Members: Creative Director: Owen Turner Designer & illustrator: Ross Brotherston
Project Name: Treboom brewery beer
Project Client: United by Design

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